Vancouver Hawks Women's Players - Self Assessment
Please use this form to let us know about your field hockey experience. We will use your self assessment, along with your previous coaches' input and observed games in August to help place you on the correct team.  
Email *
Name *
Age *
We will use this to help provide a good social fit as much as possible
Please provide us with your previous Sr. Women’s League teams (Hawks or otherwise)
If you answered "Other" to the above question please tell us which club/team and approx level it was.
Which is more important to you in terms of team dynamics? *
Is there any other field hockey experience you would like to tell us about?
 What is your desired team for the 2023-24 season?
Are you interested in umpiring and/or coaching with Hawks? *
We have comprehensive umpiring and coaching education programs - get paid to hockey!
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